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their date over and over again in his head. The entire day had been fun. Brad was surprised by how
much he enjoyed being in the other man's company. The kissing had been a nice bonus, but just
being around Patrick was wonderful.
He stepped intoBrenda's and looked around. He spotted Patrick right away. The detective was
sitting at one of the tables, holding a mug of coffee in his hands. He looked up, and Brad found
himself caught in green eyes. He smiled at the other man and saw a small smile cross Patrick's face.
Brad tried not to frown at what he saw in Patrick's eyes. The other man looked like he had been
Brad walked over and, without really thinking about it, he leaned across the table and pressed a
soft kiss to Patrick's lips as he sat down.  Hey."
Brad licked his lips, tasting coffee and a hint of Patrick.  Are you okay?"
"Just had a long night."
"You sure that's all?"
"Do I really look that bad? There was a hint of self-deprecating humor in his voice.
Brad reached across the table and ran a finger down Patrick's cheek.  I think you always look
amazing, but right now you look a tad upset."
"I'm better now."
"Morning, boys, Bess remarked. She was standing by the table, holding an order pad in her hand.
 What can I get you?"
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"Could I get pancakes and bacon? Patrick ordered.
"Sure thing. Bess jotted his order down on the pad and turned her attention to Brad.  What about
you, Brad?"
"Could I get an omelet with ham, mushrooms, and green olives?"
"Sure. Do you want hash browns with that?"
"That would be great."
"Anything to drink?"
"Can I get a glass of orange juice?"
"Sure. Bess finished writing and turned back to Patrick.  Do you want some more coffee?"
"That would be great."
"I'll be back in a bit with your food, Bess stated. She gave them both bright smiles, then headed
off to the kitchen with their orders.
Brad took a moment to study Patrick. He didn't like what he saw. The pain lines around his eyes
were deeper than they had been on Thursday. His eyes were slightly red and puffy, as if he had
been crying, and he looked pale.  Patrick, are you sure that you're okay?"
"I'll be fine, Patrick stated. He reached across the table and grasped Brad's hand.  You're here
"So, I make things better?"
"Yes, you do. Patrick gave his hand a squeeze, then released it.  So, how's your brother doing?"
Brad knew that Patrick was changing the subject, but he let him. Obviously, whatever it was that
had upset him was something that he didn't want to talk about. Brad told Patrick his brother's story
while they ate. That led into stories of his childhood, which had Patrick laughing. Throughout the
conversation, Brad noticed that all of the stories Patrick mentioned were things that had happened
in university. He didn't say anything about his childhood.
As Bess brought Patrick his third cup of coffee and Brad his second glass of juice, Brad felt a foot
rub against his leg.  Are you trying to get my attention?"
"I don't know; is it working?"
"It might be. Brad returned the nudge with one of his own. When Patrick smiled at him, he did it
"So, you're an omelet fan?"
"I love omelets."
"I make a pretty mean omelet."
"Really? You'll have to make me one sometime."
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"I'd like that. Patrick's eyes darkened slightly and his foot ran up and down Brad's calf.
Suppressing the shiver that Patrick's action caused, Brad blushed softly as he smiled at the other
man.  So would I. He reached across the table and laced his fingers with Patrick's.  You ready to
"Do we have to? I'm having a good time."
"I'd like nothing more than to stay here with you, but I need to go home and get some sleep."
"Come on, Brad stated. He tossed enough money on the table to cover breakfast and leave a
sizable tip, pulled Patrick from the table, and headed for the door. He squeezed their laced fingers
as he tugged Patrick to his car.  I'll give you a ride home."
"Fine. I guess you can drive me home. Patrick flashed him a wicked smile as they reached the
car.  Of course, I'd rather go toyour home." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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