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any clothes that ll fit you. Pleased he d made his point, he smiled at Philip as he pulled out a
pair of jeans that looked like they d do well enough. He also found a second pair that, with a
little cuffing, should fit his mate s shorter body.
He also grabbed a T-shirt. No sense in exposing more of Adrian s flesh than necessary
to the needy human. The snow had better let up soon or there ll be more than one death to
 Everything all right in here? Adrian appeared in the doorway.
Talan smacked Philip on the back of the head when the man s pheromones
supercharged in response to seeing Adrian.
 Ow. I can t help it. He s sexy. Philip glared at Talan even as his scent changed to fear.
 Yes he is, but he s my sexy man.
Adrian rolled his eyes.  Breakfast is ready.
Talan never understood how Adrian couldn t know how extremely beautiful he was.
True, his pack had an unusually high percentage of stunning males, but Adrian s piercing
eyes and lush lips made him the pick of the puppies.
Talan walked over to his mate and kissed him, ignoring the soft sound of need from the
human behind him.  Here, I found you some clothes. Go dress. He pushed Adrian gently
out of the room. Knowing none of the previous owner s stuff would fit him, Talan put his
cold, wet jeans back on. He pumped out enough body heat that they should be dry soon. He
then pulled on his mostly dry shirt, glad his clothes hadn t got completely soaked after
they d stripped for their run to the cabin.
Not turning around, he spoke to Philip.  Come into the living room when you finish
dressing. Adrian will be upset if his food gets cold. His little wolf had had enough of a hard
time recently. He didn t need cold eggs.
Adrian was all dressed and dishing out the food when Talan walked into the living
room.  Looks good, babe.
He received a brilliant smile for his compliment.  Thanks, I actually had a lot to choose
from. For a guy who lived alone, he has a really stocked pantry. He must have enjoyed
 Or he had company often.
 True. Someone stabbed him after all.
 Stabbed who? Philip asked as he entered and received one of Adrian s smiles.
Talan resisted the urge to punch the skier, but only because he thought his lover would
 The caretaker. Talan gleefully pointed out the red blood spot.  Right over there.
 Huh. Surprisingly, Philip looked more curious than sickly.  Why would someone do
 We don t know but we intend to find out.
Adrian s take-charge tone had Talan s cock responding. The twitch in his mate s nose
told him his rising lust hadn t gone unnoticed.
They ate their food in near silence, the only sounds appreciative noises from time to
Philip was the first to push his plate away.  That was great, Adrian.
 Thanks. Adrian collected all the plates, washing and drying them with familiar
 Let s see if there s any news. I thought I saw a satellite dish on the roof.
Talan found the remote and used it to turn on the TV, finding the weather station. The
perky girl on the screen didn t have any good news.
 I can t believe there s another snow storm coming, Adrian grumbled.  This was
supposed to be a nice romantic vacation. Now we have early snow, a dead body, and a
 Sorry guys. Philip gave them a sympathetic smile.
 Oh, Philip, I didn t mean for it to sound that way. An embarrassed expression crossed
Adrian s face.  Nothing about this trip has gone right.
Talan didn t think Philip sounded sorry. He thought Philip was pleased with himself.
He contemplated throwing the man outside so Talan could have the promised alone time
with his mate but Adrian might object. His wolf could be distressingly softhearted when it
came to people in trouble.
 Well, at least you re not shooting at us or slashing our tyres like the last one.
Philip s gaze shifted back and forth between them.  Um& nope. I just want to hunker
down and wait for the snow to taper off before I try to find the lodge again.
 You re welcome to borrow the couch, Adrian offered just as Talan knew he would.
Philip s brilliant smile lit up the room.  Thanks.
Talan held back the growl but barely.  Your romantic weekends need some work, he
whispered in his mate s ear.
Adrian laughed.  Sorry love. He lifted his head for the expected kiss. He didn t even
think about it until Philip spoke up.
 You two have been together for a while, haven t you?
 Less than a year, Talan admitted.
 Really? Wow, I would ve thought longer. You have that established couple vibe. You
know, the one people get when they ve been together for a long time.
 Thanks. Adrian smiled.
Talan liked the idea that they sent off couple vibes. He kissed Adrian on the cheek.
 That s because we belong together.
Philip nodded.  I didn t see it before because you weren t standing together, but I
totally see the connection now. He sighed.  I hope to find that some day but so far I ve had
horrible luck with men.
 You ll find someone, Talan consoled Philip, even though he had no idea if the man
would or not. His lion moved restlessly inside. He didn t trust Philip. He didn t like how the
man had come out of nowhere and began to suck up his private time with Adrian. He
especially didn t like how the human watched Adrian like he was a steak dinner and Philip
just stopped being a vegetarian.
Instinct had Talan keeping himself between Philip and Adrian whenever possible.
Adrian sent him a questioning look a few times but Talan didn t have an excuse for what he
was doing. He was working on pure instinct.
Talan went to see what movies Darren had on his shelf while Adrian stared out the
 It s too stormy to make it back to the lodge tonight, Adrian said, contemplating the
piling snow.  Do you need to call someone?
Philip shrugged.  No. I m travelling alone.
Talan s hackles rose.  You came to a resort to ski by yourself?
 I was hoping to meet someone, he said with a bashful smile.
Warning bells clamoured in Talan s head. Nothing was adding up. People didn t
generally go to resorts by themselves unless they were meeting up with others. And they
didn t generally veer so far from their lodge if skiing alone.  How well did you know the
Philip s genial expression vanished as he pulled a gun out from behind his back. The
combined scent of cologne and blood had hidden the metallic scent of the gun. Shit! He d left
the man alone with the gun in the drawer.
 I was hoping to get one of you alone to take care of my problem but you wouldn t
leave him. He shot an accusing glare at Talan like it was all his fault things hadn t gone
according to plan.
 You shot him, Talan countered.
Philip shrugged.  You were supposed to leave him. I only winged him a little.
 He s my mate, he roared.  You don t ever leave your mate.
Philip s hand shook as he shouted.  Darren didn t have any problems doing that. He
pulled his shirt away from his neck, exposing a bite mark.
 Darren bit you? Adrian leaned closer, making Talan growl.
Venom filled Philip s eyes.  He said I was his one. His one mate. Then he went and
slept with everyone in town.
Talan s stomach churned. He d heard of shifters pulling this before telling gullible
men they were mates so they could have easy sex. The next morning they declared it a
mistake and dumped them. They didn t generally go as far as to bite them, though.  Did he
deny it the next day?
Philip nodded.
 He s infected, Adrian whispered.
Talan shuddered at the implication. If a human with the chemical composition to be a
potential shifter mate was bitten but not mated, it created a toxin in their system. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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