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Tilly looked at the two of them and the wildest idea shot into her head. Nah, how
could these two possibly know each other?
 Rowdy, this is Argon, he is the Grand Poobah of spellbinders. Tilly was quite
pleased when he scowled at her words. Strike one for the human.
 Yes I know. Rowdy s voice was tight and she looked like she wanted to flee but
she was trying to remain calm.
 You do? What the hell was going on? Why did Rowdy look paler than normal? It
was not like they hadn t dealt with stranger things than this guy before.
That one word spoke volumes. Tilly wanted to know more but she sensed now was
not the time.
 Okay then well it seems he thinks I should just let the freaks take me.
Rowdy s eyes never left Argon s.
 That seems like an unacceptable risk and I would assume Argon would know that
forcing people into situations does not work.
What the? Tilly had never heard Rowdy speak like that. It was like she wanted to
explode but she was trying to contain herself. She had to ask.
 Do you two know each other?
 No. Rowdy was most insistent on that fact.
 No, agreed Argon with a slight tinge of amusement to his voice.
 All righty then. They were just two people who did not know each other having a
standoff. Tilly s life was not normal so why expect it of others?  Well this has been
pleasant but no, I m not going to walk into a trap for anyone.
Argon turned and looked at her.
 You have no choice.
 Everyone has free will, Rowdy snapped at him.
 Some don t. Argon s eyes were meaningful on hers.  I don t have time for
Rowdy looked at him coolly.
 Then don t play them.
Tilly waved at the two people, supposedly strangers, squared off before each other.
 Is this actually about me anymore? She would have been happy to forget the
whole freak thing. She looked at Titch. He shrugged his shoulders.
Argon dragged his eyes from Rowdy and assessed Tilly.
 Are you aware this is the last known enclave of freaks left on the planet?
Amarinda Jones
Tilly looked unsure. No, she hadn t been as she relied on Rowdy to do all the
research because she knew she was too slack to.
 He s right, Rowdy said as she turned her back on him dismissively.  That was
what I was coming to tell you. Newton says no more left.
 You have destroyed the rest? Titch asked as if he wasn t sure where this
conversation was headed.
 Yes. Argon exchanged a look with the spellbinder. A look of understanding
dawned on Titch.
 But you can t destroy these freaks because of, Titch looked at Rowdy,
 circumstances beyond your control.
 Correct, Argon murmured.
Tilly was not one hundred percent sure what was going on here. Her friend was
acting completely out of character, some being wanted her to be bait for carnivores and
significant looks she was not privy to were being shot between the other three.
 So how does my getting captured help? And it ain t going to happen by the way.
 There is a virus that only they are susceptible to. It kills them within a minute after
it makes contact with their skin, Argon explained, his eyes on Tilly now, almost as if it
was easier to deal with her than the other woman.  They spread it to each other by their
breath. We need you to apply the virus. Neither Taliesin nor I can do it due to
The circumstances just sucked.
 A virus? Was he for real? Tilly swung her eyes to Titch. He nodded his head in
confirmation. Him she trusted. She wasn t sure she understood the whole true love bit
but she didn t want to put Titch or any innocent people in any danger. She ran her
hands through her hair in frustration. Despite everything she had just heard, Tilly kept
thinking there had to be a better way than walking in and announcing herself as dinner
to the freaks.
 So if you two go 
 We endanger you and others.
 Right. Why is nothing in my life uncomplicated?
 It effectively means that we are no use to you or anyone else who needs us. Titch
did not look happy at all with this turn of events.
Great, her own personal High Noon.
 How do I give this virus to them? If it was like shooting a dart into an ass, that
she could do. In fact she would enjoy doing that.
 You would have to get up close enough to touch them.
 Oh puke! No way. Touching one of them once was more than enough. She looked
at Titch. He was awfully quiet about this. What was he thinking? As for Rowdy, the
Tantalizing Tilly
chill factor around her was frightening. Why did Argon piss her off so much if she
didn t know him?
 They hate you. It s our best way in to destroy them.
Gee, who knew hatred would be considered a bonus.
 You just need to touch one with the virus.
Jeez Louise. Why me? Why do I get the good jobs? Why couldn t I have had enough sense to
be working in the local fast food emporium?
 And if I don t? So what if half a dozen flesh eaters roamed around Brisbane. They
were no worse than any of the other inhabitants.
 They re going to try to kill you anyway. Argon pointed out the reality of her
 So it s a lose-lose situation. Yay me.
 You can help many.
 But not myself. If she was brave, Tilly knew she would just do it and not count
the cost. But she wasn t that brave.
Titch took Tilly s hand in his.
 You ve said enough, Argon. He pulled Tilly away from them.
Amarinda Jones
Chapter Nine
 I m not doing it and you can t make me. Tilly stood with her hands on her hips,
her eyes defiant on Titch s. This was her life and she would make the decisions.
 Cariad, Titch began as he tried to pull her toward him.
Tilly pushed him away. To touch him now would be deadly because she was still so
hyped after not having sex that she was liable to agree to anything to have him fill her
once more. She closed her legs together tightly and tried to focus on her point.
 No, Taliesin, you may be controlled by that jerk out there but I do what I want.
Not always successfully, but the thing was she was mistress of her own destiny.
 Please just listen to me.
She threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
 You know I don t think this is going to work between us. Even as she said the
words Tilly felt sick at heart. She d never realized until that moment how much she
wanted to be with Titch, but she could not be with a man who did not respect her. By
insisting on his course of action, without understanding her fears, he was just playing
with her feelings. It was a huge shock to think she had got Titch so wrong. I ve only
known him for a couple of days. What did I expect?
 What? Titch barked out the word as if he could not believe what she was saying.
 I need someone who supports me. If it wasn t him then it would be no one.
Whatever this thing was between them, it was powerful and she recognized if they split
she would not want anyone else. At that moment, Tilly was reluctant to call the feeling
what it was.
She did not want him to speak for fear that she would be so easily swayed into
believing what he wanted. Damn it, I have a mind of my own. The sex was fantastic but it
could not be allowed to rule her.
 I think you should go. She needed time to think about what to do and she
couldn t do that with him there. She pushed past him and stormed to the door. Yes, it
was her bedroom and her home but she needed a dramatic, door-slamming exit to
make her feel better.
There was no way Titch was going to let her leave angry and confused like this. He
needed to explain what he was thinking and feeling. While he could have used magic to
Tantalizing Tilly
bind her, he preferred the old-fashioned methods. He reached forward and tackled her
to the ground. Pinning her soft body under his. His cock instantly jerked hard against [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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