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gage to move in! She opened the oven a crack, checking on
the rotisserie chicken and seven-grain rolls, and then bustled
into the living room.
Spencer sneezed again. A cloud of Chanel No. 5 always
preceded her mom  even though she spent the whole day
working around horses  and Spencer was certain she was
allergic. She considered announcing her PSAT news, but a
twinkly voice from the foyer stopped her.
 Mom? Melissa called. She and Wren strolled into the
kitchen. Spencer pretended to study Middlemarch s boring
back cover.
 Hey, Wren said above her.
 Hey, she answered coolly.
 Whatcha reading?
Spencer hesitated. It was better to steer clear of Wren,
especially now that he was moving in.
Melissa brushed by without saying hello and began to
unpack purple pillows from a Pottery Barn bag.  These are
for the couch in the barn, she practically yelled.
Spencer cringed. Two could play at this game.  Oh,
Melissa! Spencer cried.  I forgot to tell you! Guess who I ran
Melissa continued to unpack the pillows.  Who?
 Ian Thomas! He s coaching my field hockey team now!
Melissa froze.  He . . . what? He is? He s here? Did he ask
about me?
Spencer shrugged and pretended to think.  No, I don t
think so.
 Who s Ian Thomas? Wren asked, leaning against the
marble island counter.
 No one, Melissa snapped, turning back to the pillows.
Spencer slapped her book shut and skipped off to the dining
room. There. That felt better.
She sat down at the long, mission-style farmhouse table,
running her finger around the stemless wineglass Candace,
the family s housekeeper, had just filled with red wine. Her
parents didn t care if their kids drank while they were at
home as long as no one was driving, so she grabbed the glass
with both hands and greedily took a large gulp. When she
looked up, Wren was smirking at her from across the table,
his spine very straight in his dining chair.
 Hey, he said. She raised her eyebrows in answer.
Melissa and Mrs. Hastings sat down, and Spencer s father
adjusted the chandelier lights and took a seat as well. For a
moment everyone was quiet. Spencer felt for the PSAT score
papers in her pocket.  So guess what happened to me, she
 Wren and I are so happy you re letting us stay here!
Melissa said at the same time, grabbing Wren s hand.
Mrs. Hastings smiled at Melissa.  I m always happy when
the family s all here.
Spencer bit her lip, her stomach nervously gurgling.  So,
Dad. I got my 
 Uh-oh, Melissa interrupted, staring down at the plates
Candace had just brought in from the kitchen.  Do we have
anything other than chicken? Wren s trying not to eat meat.
 It s all right, Wren said hastily.  Chicken is perfect.
 Oh! Mrs. Hastings stood up halfway.  You don t eat
meat? I didn t know! I think we may have some pasta salad
in the fridge, although it might have ham in it . . .
 Really, it s okay. Wren rubbed his head uncomfortably,
making his messy black hair stand up in peaks.
 Oh, I feel terrible, Mrs. Hastings said. Spencer rolled her
eyes. When the whole family was together, her mom wanted
all meals  even sloppy cereal breakfasts  to be perfect.
Mr. Hastings eyed Wren suspiciously.  I m a steak man,
 Absolutely. Wren lifted his glass so forcefully that a little
wine spilled on the tablecloth.
Spencer was considering a good segue into her big
announcement when her father laid down his fork.
 I ve got a brilliant idea. Since we re all here, why don t we
play Star Power?
 Oh, Daddy. Melissa grinned.  No.
Her father smiled.  Oh yes. I had a terrific day at work.
I m going to kick your butt.
 What s Star Power? Wren asked, his eyebrows arched.
A nervous glow grew in Spencer s stomach. Star Power
was a game her parents had made up when Spencer and
Melissa were little kids that she d always suspected they d
pilfered from some company power-retreat. It was simple:
Everyone shared their biggest achievement of the day, and
the family would select one Star. It was supposed to make
people feel proud and accomplished, but in the Hastings
family, people just got ruthlessly competitive.
But if there was one perfect way for Spencer to announce
her PSAT results, Star Power was it.
 You ll catch on, Wren, Mr. Hastings said.  I ll start.
Today, I prepared a defense so compelling for my client, he
actually offered to pay me more money.
 Impressive, her mother said, taking a tiny bite of a
golden beet.  Now me. This morning, I beat Eloise at tennis
in straight sets.
 Eloise is tough! her father cried before taking another sip
of wine. Spencer peeked at Wren across the table. He was
carefully peeling the skin off his chicken thigh, so she could-
n t catch his eye.
Her mother dabbed her mouth with her napkin.
Melissa laced her stubby-nailed fingers together.  Well,
hmm. I helped the builders tile the entire bathroom  the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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