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than anything he wants attention, and he doesn't care whether that comes as
fear, respect, admiration, or pity.
 I'll tell you one thing, I'll have an abortion before I'll let him hurt me or
my child.
 You're not making sense. You would kill your child so he can't?
 You sound like Rayford now.
 We happen to agree on this, Buck said.  Please don't do that. At the very
least get somewhere where you're not in danger and can think this through.
 I have nowhere to go!
 If I came and got you, would you come here with us?
 Chloe needs you. We could use help with her. And she could be good for you
during your pregnancy. She's pregnant too.
 Really? Oh, Buck, I couldn't burden you. I'd feel so obliged, so in the way.
 Hey, this was my idea.
 I don't see how it would work.
 Hattie, tell me where you are. I'll come and get you by noon tomorrow.
 You mean noon today?
Buck looked at the clock.  I guess I do.
 Shouldn't you run this by Chloe?
 I don't dare bother her. If there's a problem, I'll get back to you.
Otherwise, be ready to go.
No response.
 I'm still here, Buck. I was just thinking. Remember when we met?
 Of course. It was a rather momentous day.
 On Rayford's 747 the night of the disappearances.
 The Rapture, Buck said.
 If you say so. Look what we've been through since then.
 I'll call you when we're within an hour of you, Buck said.
 I'll never be able to repay you.
 Who said anything about that?
Buck put the phone away, straightened Chloe's covers, and knelt to kiss her.
She still seemed cold. He went to get her a blanket but stopped midstride. Was
she too still? Was she breathing? He rushed back and put his ear to her nose.
He couldn't tell. He ran his thumb and forefinger under her jaw to check her
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pulse. Before he could detect anything, she pulled away. She was alive. He
slipped to his knees.
 Thank you, God!
Chloe mumbled something. He took her hand in both of his.  What, sweetie? What
do you need?
She appeared to be trying to open her eyes.  Buck? she said.
 It's me.
 What's wrong?
 I just got off the phone with Hattie. Go back to sleep.
 I'm cold.
 I'll get you a blanket.
 I wanted to talk to Hattie. What did she say?
 I'll tell you tomorrow.
Buck found a coverlet and spread it over her.  OK? he said.
She did not respond. When he began to tiptoe away, she said something. He
turned back.  What, hon?
 In the morning, he said.
 Hattie has my bunny.
Buck smiled.  Your bunny?
 My blanket.
 Thanks for my blanket.
Buck wondered if she would remember any of this.
Mac was in the cockpit and Rayford asleep in his quarters when his personal
phone rang. It was Buck.
Rayford sat up.  What time is it where you are?
 If I tell you that, anyone listening will know what time zone I'm in.
 Donny assured us these phones were secure.
 That was last month, Buck said.  These phones are almost obsolete already.
They filled in each other on the latest.  You're right about getting Hattie
away from there. After what I told you Leon said, don't you agree she's in
 No question, Buck said.
 And is Tsion willing to go to Israel?
 Willing? I have to sit on him to keep him from starting to walk there now.
He's going to be suspicious, though, if the big man wants to take credit for
getting him there.
 I don't see how he could go otherwise, Buck. His life would be worthless.
 He takes comfort in the prophecies that he and the rest of the 144,000
witnesses are sealed and protected, at least for now. He feels he could walk
into the enemy's lair and come out unharmed.
 He's the expert.
 I want to go with him. Being in the same country as the two witnesses at the
Wailing Wall would make this soul harvest he's been predicting just explode.
 Buck, have you checked in with headquarters? All I hear from the top is that
you're on dangerous ground. You have no secrets anymore.
 Funny you should ask. I just transmitted a long message to the big boss.
 Is it going to do you any good?
 You seem to have survived by being straightforward, Rayford. I'm doing the
I told them I've been too busy rescuing friends and burying others to worry
about my publication. Besides, 90 percent of the staff is gone and virtually
all the production capabilities. I'm proposing continuing the magazine on the
Net until
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Carpathia decides whether to rebuild printing plants and all that.
 Yeah, well, the fact is there might be two simultaneous magazines coming out
on the Internet at the same time, if you know what I mean.
 There are already dozens.
 I mean there might be two coming out simultaneously, edited by the same guy. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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