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me up onto my shoulders, pounding into me.
My breath whooshes out of me, forcible pants and I can t stop shaking, like every nerve
in my body is coming over and over. I don t know how long it lasts, but it seems like forever and
yet it isn t enough and he s coming, shouting out my name as heat fills me in strong pulses.
He s stunning  so male, so hot, so strong.
He gazes down at me, holding us locked together at cock and ass and eyes, and then
slowly lets my legs down, slides out of me and lies down next to me, panting.
I just sort of relax, one hand sliding along his side, listening to his breath slow. He slides
away a moment, coming back with a little plug that he slicks up and feeds into my ass just like
that. I whimper, legs spreading as a sweet jolt of sensation fills me. Richmond chuckles and slaps
my ass.
 Are you more hungry or tired?
My stomach growls, loud enough to make us both laugh.  Oh. Food.
 Fair enough. Put on your new leathers and we ll go down to the dining room. Show off
the new ring and that fresh-fucked face.
My face turns bright red  I can feel the heat  but I nod, slowly slip out of bed.
He strokes my ass as I go, not hard, not jostling the plug, just & possessively.
It makes me hum, makes me pleased.
Makes me wonder how far I ve lost myself to him.
Chapter Six
I almost put the leash on Nat, but I don t think he s quite ready for it. Not in public.
Besides, the one I want to use attaches to one of the new cock rings and I know for sure he isn t
ready to be paraded around naked.
One day though. And sooner than I had imagined. He s so responsive to everything.
I take his hand instead, standing proudly at the elevator. He looks lovely in his tight
leather pants, little ring in his nipple shining, catching the light. There is no mistaking the look
on his face, in his eyes  he s been fucked good and hard  satisfaction practically oozes from
him. I would have matched him, worn my leather pants and nothing else, but he needs to get
used to being more naked in public than others, so I wear a silver mesh long sleeved shirt over
my leathers, it moves with me, feels good.
The elevator lets us off and I head into the dining area. It s busy this time of day  it s
week s end and everyone is indulging in the best food on the planet.
Nat squeezes my fingers, hanging back in my shadow.  It s busy.
 Yes it is  I told you I wanted to show you off.
Someone would find a table for me, but I decide to step in, look around, see if there s
someone fun to eat with. Noel and Richard are eating in one corner, their huge scarred lover
hulking, silent, between them. Interesting. I didn t think he d come out onto the floor. Des and
Hawk are at Des table, heads together, looking over some paperwork, their subs chattering
Mal and Kestrel are sitting together, Mal quiet as Kestrel chatters. I head for them,
bringing Nat along with me. I have to admit, I want to show Nat off to Mal.
 Good afternoon, Kestrel, Mal.
 Richmond! Hello! Kestrel gives me a wide smile, eyes shining from under the fall of
rainbow-colored hair.  I do love that shirt on you. I hear you ve got two weeks off? So lucky.
Now, introduce me to your & friend? Trainee?
Mal just rolls his eyes, winks at me.
 This is Nathaniel. Nat is & Mine. Nat this is Kestrel  you ve already met Mal.
Nat holds out one hand to Kestrel, nods.  It s very nice to meet you, Kestrel.
 Oh, look at those sweet curls! Now when you say mine, are you saying he doesn t do
scenes? We have a new guest who s looking for a specific body-type & 
I growled a little, stepping in front of Nat.  He s mine.
I don t know why I m surprised, I knew I felt this way about him, but I m all but ready to
tear Kestrel s head off his neck and it was just an innocent question. I take a breath and pull a
chair out for Nat, helping him into it before taking my own.  We ll do show scenes. And I m still
working here. But Nat is Mine alone.
Kestrel nods, completely at ease.  Show scenes would be lovely. If you need anything
Nathaniel, dear, just let me know.
 Thank you. Nat looks over at me, eyes warm.  Richmond gives me what I need.
I purr, warmth going through me. Is there any question why I m so possessive?  He s
such a good boy, I murmur, admiring how the lights pick up the marks on him and make his
nipple ring shine.
Mal chuckles.  You re hooked, Rich, through the balls.
And just like that Mal pinpoints the truth of it, the truth of the sub/Dom relationship that I
don t think had occurred to Nat before. I am indeed hooked.
He has the power.
 Very happily so, Mal. And Kestrel, I understand congratulations are in order. So that
just leaves you, Mal.
Mal shakes his head.  I don t see that in my future. I m bound to the club herself.
Kestrel makes a soft, unhappy noise.  You need a lover, Mal-love.
 Too bad you re taken. I give Kes a wink. I ve never seen anyone get along with Mal
like Kestrel does.
 Mal and I weren t good lovers. I m too flighty and sensitive and he s too good a friend.
Mal leans over, kisses Kes on the forehead.  In other words, Kes bruises too easy.
Bruises. That makes me purr and give Nat a hot look.  Nat bruises. They re lovely.
Oh, that is a sweet shade of pink my pet turns, too.
Mal purrs, nods.  I can t wait to see you in action. He s got that reluctant slut thing going
for him.
I laugh. Oh, Mal is good at his job. He had Nat pegged the moment he walked in the first
time. Not to mention he had me pegged as the top for Nat.  He does indeed. I can t wait for
everyone to see him in action. It s terribly sexy.
Mal s smile is wicked.  What will he do first, do you think?
 Nat? What s your favorite thing we ve done? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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