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stayed fixed with Keelin s as they drove off. Somehow, he knew that would be
their last time together.
Kith - 34
Chapte r S v e en r S v e en r S v e en
MAY 2010
A dark figure paced the room, and along the walls were silhouettes donning
hooded cloaks. In the centre of the area, encased inside a sealed glass
prison, Keelin lay huddled.
The figure stopped pacing and yelled at the dome:  Did you believe this
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charade would last?
Keelin glared at the world outside her prison, brushed her long hair from her
face, and let tears flow undisturbed.  You have already lost. The War ended
two thousand years ago!
The figure walked to the glass and smiled, his ebony grin, the only visible
feature on his face, not cast in his reflection on the glass.  Then I shall
give you your tribute.
He pressed a button and flames leapt from the jail s floor, bringing from its
prisoner screams.
The silhouette laughed& .
Trent woke, yelling,  Keelin!
And moments before the dream washed away, he heard her call back. And saw the
strange figure look about himself, as if he, too, heard the call.
Trent sat upright in his bed, forcing himself to breath steady. This was quite
unlike the other nightmares, and he wondered when they would end. A strange
feeling came into his thundering heart, one that brought him no relief, that
they would end today. Trent stretched, and ignored the sound of his creaky
bones as they snapped. The worn-out spring in his mattress made the terrible
noise again, but today he took special care not to promise himself that he d
fix it. It had been like that from the day he d joined the Circle, and, if
after two vampire years he hadn t repaired it, then it just wasn t going to
He kicked his feet out of bed and, only when he felt the fuzzy hug of his
slippers, he stood. The rock floor was cold in the morning, even with
slippers, and glancing at a roll of carpet that leaned on end in a corner
Trent wished he d put it down months ago. He walked to his mirror and stared
at the stranger within; the image was faded like an old photograph. He
wondered how much longer till he could see it fully. He sighed, and taking a
hard-bristled brush from his bureau he ran it through his long, thick hair.
After only fifteen strokes the image in the mirror disappeared, leaving Trent
to stare at the reflection of an empty room.
He grabbed a sweater from a near-by chair and flung it over his head. After
stepping into a pair of jeans he took an old shoe-box out from his sock
drawer, but completely forgot to take out a pair of socks. The shoe-box was
tied with white shoe lace, but had no shoes within it. He unravelled the knot
and released the lace s grip, then he removed the lid and stared at the
letters within. He read the date on the first one: 1975. He had opened that
one immediately. The last, dated 1986, hadn t been opened and of those between
he couldn t be certain when he d stopped reading. Trent sighed, wishing that
Jen had continued to write the past nine human years. Even if he had never
written her back.
Kith - 35
A quiet tap on his door was almost lost in his leviathan of thought, but
somehow it reached him. He walked to his door, opened it, and greeted Gertie
with a smile as distant as the eyes with which he welcomed her.
 Happy birthday Trent, she sang, reaching out to hug him,  we re waiting for
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you for breakfast.
 Thank-you, Trent embraced her, then followed her downstairs to the
Along a giant round table sat ten vampires; six men and four women. Simple tin
plates and metal cutlery dressed each setting and, in the middle, sat bowls of
fruit and platters of eggs and bacon. Trent took his seat and waited for
grace, but stood like he had sat on a pin when he realised it was his turn to
say the Thanks.
 Dear God, he bowed his head, closed his eyes and clasped his hands before
him,  we thank-You for this meal before us. Help us to appreciate such fare
and to remember those less fortunate without such bounty.
 I also pray on this day that You be with Keelin who is on a mission to
Thank-You for getting us the information that another human was brought
across, and let us show that vampire Your love through our actions.
 Be also with Rancour the Wulfsign who left us three human years ago. We have
not heard from him since, and I pray that he is well.
 I also ask that You take good care of my parents. I received news that they
were killed by a drunk driver, and so I also pray for that driver. May he
receive the help he needs to never repeat this mistake again. Trent paused
and cleared his throat and, with a shaky voice added,  I also pray for
Cimmeria. Bless them, and help us to forgive them.
 I pray these things in Your Son s Name, Amen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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