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mander of the front the Deputy Chairman of
the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister of
Industry, Kim Cha’ek (he knows military
affairs, was a partisan and served in the
Chinese brigade in Khabarovsk, is a very
strong-willed, thoughtful and brave man).
To appoint as Chief of Staff of the front
Kan Gen, who is now Chief of the General
The Minister of National Defense will
remain in his post. He will manage the
formation of new units and the organization
of anti-landing defense, and also supplying
troops with everything needed.
They want this measure to be passed
through the military committee on July 4 or
5. I judge that in this complicated situation
this measure will yield positive results.
The staff of the front will move to Seoul
in the near future.
I ask your permission:
1. To have two advisers in every army
group (adviser for the group commander and
adviser for the artillery commander).
2. I ask your permission for the main
military adviser Comrade VASILIEV to go
to Seoul with a group of officers, together
with the staff of the front, and to be perma-
nently located there with the staff.
3. I ask you to hasten the resolution of the
questions touched on.
No. 439/sh.
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov, Beria, Malenkov,
Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Bulganin.
[Source: APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 346,
Listy 105-107 and AVPRF, Fond 059a, Opis
5a, Delo 3, Papka 11, Listy 111-114]
18. 5 July 1950, ciphered telegram, Filippov
(Stalin) to Chinese Foreign Minister Zhou
Enlai (via Soviet ambassador to the
People’s Republic of China [PRC] N.V.
Ciphered telegram No. 3172
Beijing. Soviet Ambassador.
To your No. 1112-1126.
Transmit to Zhou Enlai:
1. We agree with the opinion of the
Chinese comrades regarding the mediation
of India on the question of the entry of people’s
China into the membership of the UN.
2. We consider it correct to concentrate
immediately 9 Chinese divisions on the Chi-
nese-Korean border for volunteer actions in
North Korea in case the enemy crosses the
38th parallel. We will try to provide air cover
for these units.
3. Your report about flights of Soviet
planes over Manchurian territory is not con-
firmed. An order was given not to allow such
No. 373/sh
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov
[Source: APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 331,
List 79 and AVPRF, Fond 059a, Opis 5a,
Delo 3, Papka 11, List 115]
Si (Stalin) to Shtykov
8th Department of the General Staff of the
Armed Forces of the USSR
Pyongyang, Soviet Ambassador.
Advise the Koreans immediately to re-
ply to [UN Secretary General] Trygve Lie
that the Korean army is strictly adhering to
the Geneva convention with regard to pris-
oners, and [that they should] let the Koreans
make a statement in the press exposing the
slander of the American press regarding poor
treatment of prisoners by the Koreans. It
would be good for someone among the pris-
oners to make a statement on the radio that
the treatment of prisoners by the Koreans is
very good.
FYN-SI [Stalin]
No. 4.4781
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov.
[Source: APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 346,
List 148]
24. 14 July 1950, handwritten letter, Kim
Il Sung to Soviet Government (via Shtykov)
To the Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary Ambassador of the USSR to the DPRK,
Comrade Shtykov, T.F.
I ask you to transmit to the Government
of the USSR the following:
In connection with the appeal of the
English to the Government of the USSR with
a demand about the withdrawal of troops of
the Korean People’s Army to the 38th paral-
lel, the Government of the DPRK considers,
as does the Soviet Government, that such a
demand of the English is impertinent and
We are in full agreement with the opin-
ion of the Soviet Government that the Ko-
rean question [should be] discussed in the
Security Council with the participation of the
USSR and China and with the summoning of
representatives of Korea.
The Government of the DPRK [will
take measures] quickly to clear the entire
territory of Korea of American intervention-
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of
the DPRK
Kim Il Sung.
American imperialists, I am obliged to ap-
peal to you with a request to allow the use of
25-35 Soviet military advisers in the staff of
the front of the Korean Army and the staffs of
the 2nd Army Group, since the national mili-
tary cadres have not yet sufficiently mas-
tered the art of commanding modern troops.
Faithfully, KIM IL SUNG, Chair-
man of the Cabinet of Ministers DPRK.
Pyongyang. 8 July 1950.
No. 481/sh
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov, Beria, Malenkov,
Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Bulganin
[Source: APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 346,
Listy 143-144 and AVPRF, Fond 059a, Opis
5a, Delo 4, Papka 11, List 151]
21. 8 July 1950, ciphered telegram, Filippov
(Stalin) to Soviet Ambassador Roshchin
in PRC transmitting message to Mao
BEIJING. Soviet Ambassador.
Only by telegraph
Sent 18:40
Communicate to MAO ZEDONG that
the Koreans are complaining that there is no
representative of CHINA in KOREA. A
representative should be sent soon, so that it
will be possible to have communications and
resolve questions more quickly, if, of course,
MAO ZEDONG considers it necessary to
have communications with KOREA.
FILIPPOV [Stalin].
No. 379/sh.
Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov
[Source: APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 331,
List 82 and AVPRF, Fond 059a, Opis 5a,
Delo 3, Papka 11, List 117]
22. 13 July 1950, ciphered telegram,
Filippov (Stalin) to Zhou Enlai or Mao
Zedong (via Roshchin)
Only by ciphered telegraph
Transmit to ZHOU ENLAI or MAO
ZEDONG the following:
“1. The English have officially appealed
to us through their ambassador in Moscow
and declared that they, being bound by the
decision of the Security Council, cannot now
make proposals regarding a peaceful settle-
ment of the Korean question, but if the Ko-
rean People’s Democratic Republic with-
draws its troops to the 38th parallel, then this
could hasten a peaceful resolution of the
Korean question.
The English ask the Soviet government
to express its opinion.
We consider such a demand by the En-
glish to be impertinent and unacceptable.
We intend to reply that the Korean ques- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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