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Remember: a pixie can t come in your house unless invited.
There is no way I can do this without Devyn and Issie. I need them. Due to his super-
fierce researching skills, Dev might already know how to get to Valhalla. And Issie?
Issie might be able to reassure me that I didn t do this all for nothing, that Nick is still
alive, that I haven t been totally duped by Astley. So, I make this king my king take
me to Issie s. We fly there again. I am almost used to being in the air. One bonus about
being pixie is that the cold doesn t matter as much. It s amazing.
There is something so comforting about Issie s home. It s two stories and all-American
looking. The garage is right next to the house and there are these sweet green shutters.
I ve never seen it in springtime but I bet there are tons of flowers planted along the stone
walk. I bet there are daffodils and tulips and daisies. It warms me up just thinking about
it, even though I m so scared to see Issie, so scared of what she ll say once she knows
that I ve really done it. She s my best friend. I can t lose her and Nick. It would be too
And I am also scared of me. Even though I feel in control, I am terrified that some sort of
crazy need will take over, and I ll just& .
 You will be fine, Zara, Astley says.
 Are you reading my mind again? I ask as he pulls my hat down over my ears. His
hands linger there a little too long before he takes them away. This guy has kissed me. I
know what that meant on a transformational level, but I don t know what or if it means
anything on a regular guy/girl level not that I really have time to think about that right
He brushes some lint off of his dark green corduroy jacket.  No. Just your emotions.
I make Astley stay outside. He stands on the driveway, wrapping his arms around his
chest, which makes his jacket gape at the neck a little bit.
 This is going to take a few minutes at least, I tell him. I stare up at Issie s bedroom. It
glows yellow from the light. I can smell Issie and Devyn in there. Issie smells like
butterflies and vanilla and yellow daffodils. Devyn smells like feathers and wind and
some sort of musk. Devyn. A guy. Will I want to bleed him? No. No. I refuse to let
myself even think about it. It s so disgusting. I refocus. There s another smell I can t
quite recognize lavender, I think. I don t know who that is. The front door waits for
me. I don t want to knock. I don t want to wake up Issie s parents.
 Can I fly? I ask Astley, who seems to be waiting for me to go before he leaves, which
is polite.
 Probably not. Maybe. Don t try yet. He stumbles over his sentences.  Usually, it s
only kings who can fly. It s part of what makes us different. You can jump, though.
 Jump. Big jumps. Really long or really high depending on your need. Try that. He
motions for me to jump, using his hands and lifting them into the air.
I bend my knees and focus on getting some momentum. I leave the air and thud onto the
windowsill. My feet turn sideways for balance and I grip the molding. I m too scared to
rejoice in the fact that I ve just jumped ten feet, but honestly? Wow.
 Excellent! He yells.  I m going to fly off for a bit. There are a lot of pixies in the
woods. I might try to convince some to pledge to me.
 Good. Great. Uh-huh. I don t know what to say so I try,  Be careful.
My fingers are turning white from the gripping. There are some paint chips on the
window casing. I wonder if they re lead. Does lead hurt pixies? I turn my attention to
inside Issie s. Her room is entirely green and she has a lot of stuffed bunnies on her bed
and lining the floor. That s enough to make me gasp normally, but that s not why I m
gasping now. I m gasping because Issie is in there with Devyn. They are all spiffed up,
which must mean it s the night of the dance, and they are holding hands. Holding hands!
I want to do a happy dance right there, hanging on to the windowsill, but then I look
farther into the room. Cassidy s in there too. She looks deep in thought and she s
studying a bunch of crystals like they are cheat sheets for the SATs or something. This
makes no sense. Why is Cassidy there? When did Issie and Devyn start holding hands?
I have got to find out, but first I test myself: Am I craving anything? Do I feel out of
control? Wild? Do I have needs? No. No. No. and no. I bang on the window with my
knee because I m afraid to let go.
Issie turns around and her mouth drops into a big O. She rushes over and her sweet
round face shows up at the window.  Zara!
She throws the window open, pops off the screen.
Devyn grabs her shoulder.  Wait. Don t let her in.
Devyn scrunches his nose in a totally uncute way. His eyes cloud over.  She s turned. I
smell it. Plus, look, there s dust all over the sill.
I check it out. I wonder if that s my dust or if it s from Astley. Do queens make dust?
 So? Issie s brow furrows.
 So, she s pixie. She could hurt you, he insists, looking at me warily.
His hand moves to grab Issie s arm. It s the arm she used to open the window. Cassidy
backs up against the wall. She s gripping a black crystal really tightly in her hand.
Issie s face goes cranky.  Man, you re a dork sometimes, Devyn. I mean, I love you, but
you are a dork and you are way not trusting.
 You re too trusting, he argues.
 It s Zara! Issie exclaims.
 She could attack us, Cassidy says. Her eyes narrow as she looks me over.  She s
pixie. We don t know 
 You told her about pixies! I sway on the windowsill and try to give them begging eyes.
 Guys? Please! I m going to fall.
Devyn reaches under the bed and grabs two knives and a sword. He gives both the
knives to Cassidy and Issie. He takes the sword for himself. He and Cassidy point the
weapons at me. Issie s points toward the carpet.
 Okay! Come in. Issie gestures for me to hop into her bedroom. Devyn starts to protect
again and she wipes her free hand on the shiny fabric of her black cut-out dress.  My
house. I get to decide. Don t eat me though, Zara. Promise! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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