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of his fellow Dwarra, the net-caster had spent too many long nights standing
alone in the shallows of the sea, staring up at the stars. He had sometimes
tried to count
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Running them, but there were too many for him.
Though probably not for someone like the Visitant Flinx, for whom they were
the home he was now in a hurry to return to.
The priest Baugarikk was not pleased. In the Sanctuary in central Wullsakaa,
he had squatted and brooded for some time now on what ought to be done. The
possibilities were many, but whichever was chosen, it could only lead to one
Acolyte Kredlehken smoothed his swirling, heavily embroidered robes down over
his legs. He had attended the High Priest for more than a year and thought he
knew him well. But until now, he had never imagined the intensity with which
the elder Dwarra could focus his mental energies. That the gods did not
respond directly was unsurprising. As he had learned, they tended to make
their needs known in ways that were as subtle and mysterious as their origin.
There was nothing subtle or mysterious about the High Priest s meditations.
They stemmed from, and related directly to, the arrival outside Metrel City of
an alien being. Though it insisted it was not a god, but only another creature
like the Dwarra themselves, more and more simple folk were coming to believe
that the creature s own denials were intended to dissuade them from worship,
and to conceal its true nature. By Rakshinn, they would call it a god and
honor it as such even as it denied such tribute!
The problem was that while they were doing so, they were paying less and less
attention to Rakshinn himself and his Holy Eight. The result was that not only
was proper veneration down at the Sanctuary, but so were collections. It was
on this, and related matters, that the High Priest Baugarikk had been
meditating for so many days.
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His superior had been so quiet and introspective for so long that Kredlehken
was nearly startled out of his ceremonial slippers when Baugarikk suddenly
rose and turned on him.
 Yes, Most Holy One. I am here. Kredlehken spread both arms and all four
forearms wide, inclining his
Sensitives toward his superior in a gesture that was both respectful and
 I know what has to be done. The High Priest s eyes were not especially wide,
but they were ablaze with assurance.  It was conveyed to me by the minions of
Rakshinn himself!
 Most Revered! Kredlehken hissed softly. Who could doubt the holiness of the
High Priest, who communicated directly with the gods?  What are we to do?
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Placing a pair of left flanges on the acolyte s shoulder, Baugarikk turned the
younger cleric and led him out of the sanctuary. Together, they mounted the
steps that led from the subterranean meditation chamber back up into the
somber but well-lit hallways of the main temple.
 This creature that has come among us is clearly an abomination. It turns the
faithful from the path of righteousness and beguiles them with tricks and
subterfuges. In order for all to be returned to the Right
Path, the falsity of the being s reality must be shown to them in a manner
that none will be able to deny.
Kredlehken was gesturing enthusiastically.  Of course, Holy One. And how is
this to be done?
 Rakshinn has told me. At hearts, it is really a simple matter. The people
must be shown that the Visitant is not divine, but exactly what it claims to
be: a mere mortal like themselves, meddling in and muddling the ways of the
world. While it may have access to science more advanced than our own, it is
not something to be worshipped. It must be restored to the ranks of the
 By what method is this to be achieved, Holy One? the acolyte inquired
 By the method most direct and incontrovertible. The Visitant must be killed.
Only by its death will the people be convinced of its mortality, and that it
is not, and never was, a thing to be worshipped a thing that dared take them
away from the Right Path of Rakshinn and the Holy Eight.
Kredlehken halted beneath a famous mosaic of Toryyin, the Fifth of Eight, and
swallowed hard.  Holy
One, it is known that the Visitant possesses great powers of healing. It is
also whispered that it has at its disposal the means to defend itself from any
hostility that might be directed toward its person.
Baugarikk gestured knowingly.  Of course such things will be whispered. And
what is the source of these whisperings? Why, the Visitant itself! If it can
convince everyone that it is untouchable, it need not trouble itself with the
means to protect itself. It is an old and wise ploy; one apparently known to
creatures other than ourselves.
 The stratagem does not invalidate the original claim, acolyte Kredlehken was
compelled to point out.
 There is one way to find out. Baugarikk was unrelenting. Once again, he
placed a pair of flanges on the younger cleric s shoulder.  The honor falls to
you, Kredlehken, to ascertain the reality of this troublesome visitor. You
will be provided with everything necessary to carry out your task. I have been
in touch with those who honor and revere Rakshinn in Pakktrine Unified. They
have agreed to provide us with whatever aid we may request. Subsequent to the
successful completion of this action, I daresay you will find yourself swiftly
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promoted from the ranks of the acolytes to that of full priest, with all the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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