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your existence.
Hey, we re still getting to know each other. I don t care what people say about the
Thresl bond, any relationship needs work. Zander squeezed Leo s hand. Come on. Let s go
break into a lady s home.
Leo kissed Zander s cheek. You take me to all the best places.
Zander laughed. I know at this rate you ll be spoilt. We d best check personnel
records to determine where she lives.
I m sure we can do that back in our room, Leo purred. I have several things I d like
to check out. She s not going anywhere soon. Let s thoroughly explore other avenues of
investigation. Leo leant forward and bit Zander s bottom lip.
Ow, Zander said in surprise. It hadn t really hurt, more of a sting, but it had startled
If you catch me I ll let you strip me naked and have your wicked way with me, Leo
I do that anyway, Zander protested, and I don t have to get breathless with
Leo grinned. I ll let you pick the position.
Oh. Several ideas raced through Zander s head, some of which defied the laws of
gravity. Maybe they could save that last thought for a bit of space travel where gravity might
be optional.
His mind on the different angles in which he could fuck his Thresl, he missed it when
Leo turned and raced down the hall.
Cheater! he laughed. With his spirits high, he chased after his mate.
* * * *
They ended up not having sex in their room. Zander had postponed their lovemaking
because he wanted to get to Syline s place before anyone else realised she was incapacitated.
Should we tell anyone about her suicide attempt? Leo asked.
Zander shook his head. The people from the lab will probably tell everyone before we
do. Hopefully word hasn t spread too far yet.
Zander went to their computer interface and typed in Syline s name. Immediately her
home location popped up on the screen.
Not very secure if you are trying to hide, Leo observed.
If you re trying to hide, you don t register at the palace. She was hiding in plain sight.
She hasn t been the first person to take this job. It must be backed either by a Thresl or by a
human family. We should investigate her family members and how they might be involved.
Why would a Thresl want to harm our people? Leo asked, frowning.
Zander frowned. If what King Vohne suspects is true, his father is the one who
initially set up the situation. He wanted more power among the other planets in the galaxy. If
you have a commodity other people want, you can trade it for whatever you desire. King
Vohne s father wanted power and he got it from selling his people.
Leo s stomach swirled in disgust. That s terrible, he growled.
Yes, it is, Zander agreed. Let s go see what else we can find.
Syline s rooms were on the opposite side of the palace away from the usual guest
quarters. They had to go down a flight of stairs to reach her door.
This is it. Zander pulled out the master key and slid it into the lock.
The click sounded loud in the empty hall. Leo glanced left and right, but no one
appeared interested in what they were doing.
Zander shoved the door open and stepped inside. Leo rushed to follow. Zander
appreciated his lover s presence, especially since they didn t know what she might have
inside her living quarters.
At first glance her place looked like any other serviceable apartment, with a small living
space, a kitchenette and a sleeping area nothing that would set it off from anyone else s
place. In fact, it was surprisingly sterile.
Leo took a long sniff. She doesn t really live here.
Zander nodded. He d have to agree with that assessment. She might sleep in this
apartment but, without any personal touches, she obviously lived somewhere else.
Look around and see if you can find something to give us more information, Zander
They took opposite sides of the room. Zander rifled through the drawers of her desk
with little success. He didn t find anything inside other than what he suspected was the usual
junk people collect in their desk.
Wait& What s that? Leo asked, spotting something in the drawer.
What s what? Zander looked over at his mate to see where he was pointing.
This. Leo reached inside and grabbed a small, silver cylinder. He handed it over to
Zander with a smile.
Zander turned the object and a narrow adaptor slid out. I think this is a memory stick.
Maybe it will tell us something we don t know.
A soft popping sound was the only warning they had. Ouch.
Zander slapped a hand to his neck at the sharp pinch before everything went dark
around him.
* * * *
He awoke on the floor with every muscle in his body aching. His mouth felt dry and
crackly, as if it had been filled with cotton.
Leo! Blinking hard to clear out his fuzzy vision, he frantically scanned the room.
Leo! Pulling himself to his feet, he struggled not to fall over when his knees almost buckled
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