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She can't heal herself.
He groaned and thumped his forehead with the heel of his hand. How could he have been
so stupid? Somebody get that fucking doctor!
Roxie backed away quickly, as though afraid of being so close to such anger and fear.
Jericha's coming. It'll be okay, Logan.
He'd never felt so helpless in his life. Kimberlyn was so still, so waxy pale, the spark that
made her the animated, beautiful woman she was fading fast. She was cold, so cold.
Stumbling to the chest at the foot of the bed, he grabbed a warm quilt, tucking it carefully
around her dirty, nude body. Wake up, Kimberlyn. Wake up.
He turned as Andrew stumbled into the room, blood spattered and grimy. The younger
man didn't hesitate, just flung himself into Logan's arms, his entire body shaking. Elena's dead.
Logan squeezed his body, wondering how his love had suddenly become so thin. Thank
Andrew shook his head. Any change?
No. He motioned to Roxie.
She pulled Andrew away gently. Come on, baby. Let Roxie get you some food. Come on,
Logan gave him a small push. Go on. You need to eat.
Andrew leaned down to kiss Kimberlyn's forehead, then straightened to kiss Logan's
cheek. Neither one of them cared who was watching. I'll bring you back a sandwich.
Logan nodded, too tired to argue. Besides, he needed food or he was going to fall over
soon. Where is that fucking doctor?
I'm here, Jericha called and swept into the room. Let me see her. Move, Logan. I need
some room to work. Okay, clear the room. It's too hot and close in here. Open a window, Elijah,
124 Cassidy Hunter
for God's sake, and stop mooning over my patient. That's not going to do any good. Pull that
table over here, Logan.
Relief hit Logan, and he felt it to his toes. Jericha was magic herself. She was spectacular.
She'd heal his Kimberlyn wolf.
You will, won't you? he asked, forgetting that he hadn't even spoken aloud.
But she gave him a level stare and replied, I'll do better than my best, Logan. Now go
away. I don't need you hovering. Sherice! Over here, help me turn her. Careful! She eyed the
wounds, uncharacteristically silent for a moment. Then, She should be dead already; she's been
shot full of silver. How is this wolf still alive? She frowned, then prodded the wounds,
Elijah growled. Just fix her, woman!
Jericha pursed her mouth. Get out of here, Elijah Berry, before I take a scalpel to your ass.
Out! All of you! Send in Cord and Corliss to help. The rest of you, get the fuck out. Logan, that
means you too. I'll send word when I have something to send.
Cord and Corliss glided into the room, twin swans the good doctor had taken in when they
were orphaned at the age of ten. All the wolves stared as they filed from the room. The twins
were everything swans should be and more. Delicate, beautiful, graceful. White hair to their hips,
even on the male, and downy skin with a hint of pink. Huge, sad, liquid brown eyes.
She'll live, Jericha? Tell me she'll live. Logan's voice was hoarse.
Jericha shook her head. Logan. I'll try. I can't promise anything.
But she's special. We need her&
And that, more than anything, will give her a chance. Now be silent if you won't leave,
and let me tend her.
* * *
Kimberlyn floated, smiling, on a bed of cotton. Euphoric, she stretched, then grabbed
handfuls of the airy fiber and rubbed it into her skin. This feeling was alien to her, surely alien to
everybody. There were no words for how she felt, for the happiness and well-being in which she
was cuddled, the beauty and bounty surrounding her, for the complete and utter peace she felt
Sanctuary 125
This, then, was heaven.
But they called to her, her wolves, her men. The voices penetrated, and her heaven was not
as peaceful. They needed her, and she needed them; it was not her time.
But she'd discovered something on her journey into the beautiful abyss. She could heal
herself. If she wanted, she could heal the world. The knowledge floated with her like letters in an
alphabet soup, and she greedily slurped up the words, absorbing everything she needed to know.
Of course, she kept thinking. Of course! How could I not have known this?
She was healer. She would heal.
She torpedoed back to her earthly body full of knowledge and wisdom but lacking
something she'd carried with her for most of her life. The guilt was gone. The confusion was
She was healer. Her body was clean, her mind was sharp, and her heart was pure.
Flung back into Sanctuary, she sighed as she left one haven for the other. Back into
Logan's arms. Back into Andrew's arms. And soon, though only she knew it, to Elijah's arms and
the arms of one other who had yet to arrive. Maybe she would forget when she awoke, but for
now, all that mattered was that she accepted. She wrapped her arms around herself and smiled.
She was ready.
She drew in a deep, gasping breath as her soul reentered her body, her eyes flying open
with something close to horror. If she'd had breath for it, she might have screamed at the shock,
but then Logan was there, his eyes worried, face lined with exhaustion and torment.
Baby, he said. Baby?
Andrew joined him, face a little more peaceful, eyes hopeful.
She smiled and held out her arms.
She was home.
126 Cassidy Hunter
Chapter Twenty-three
You're different, Andrew said to her two weeks later.
Kimberlyn smiled at the ceiling and squeezed his hand. Yes.
The mattress dipped as Logan turned toward her, his movement slow, ginger. Why? he
asked, his voice sliding over her sensitive skin like a sweet, cooling breeze. What happened
when you were&
Dead? She ran her free hand down his arm, holding his hand as she held Andrew's. At
his shudder, she turned her face toward him to kiss his shoulder.
His swallow was loud in the still, predawn morning. Yeah.
It was& indescribable, she told them. I was shown things. They hadn't talked about it,
not really. She'd held the experience to her like a beautiful secret, unwilling at first to speak of
something so sacred. The men had babied her these last two weeks, tiptoeing around as though
she were a sick old lady, until she really was sick. Sick of being in bed, sick of their refusal to so
much as give her a proper kiss.
What things? Andrew asked now, gently tugging her hand back into his when she moved
it to his sex.
She sighed. I can heal.
We know that, darling, Andrew replied.
Logan merely grunted.
No, I mean, I can heal anyone. I can even heal myself.
They wanted to pat her head and say, that's nice, dear. She could feel it. She laughed.
I'm not crazy, you two. I can. I'll prove it to you soon enough. She sat up. Let's have wild, hot
The men looked at each other, then at her. What? asked Logan.
Sanctuary 127
Sex, she repeated. S-E-X. You remember what that is, right? Because I think I've just
about forgotten, seeing as how you two have decided to deprive me for so very, very long.
We want you to take time to heal, Kimber.
Oh Andrew, come on. I'm fine. I'm better than before. You know that. She turned to
Logan. You know that, right, Logan? Every day she felt better. She shifted as often as she
wanted, and of course, that sped the process. I'm alive, and I want to live. I want to feel you
inside me. I want your kisses, your love&
She jumped up, bouncing on the mattress, tearing open her pajama top. Reveling in their
sharply indrawn breaths, their parted lips. Andrew beautiful with his soft smile, Logan with his
hard, impenetrable stare, gaze hot enough to singe her skin.
She wanted to tell them how she felt, how full of life she was, how full of peace, but there
were no words.
Naked, she lifted her arms and swayed, closing her eyes. One of the men wrapped a hand
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