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main shop.
Two hours had passed since the signing had begun and Denise presumed she had to have been about half way through the queue of waiting people.
Looking up briefly as another small group was ushered over to her table, Denise reflected over the past hours. She had been surprised by the diverse mix
and varied age group of people. She was most impressed by the younger age group; teenagers who were studying her works at school. Denise hadn't
been able to spend much time talking with people. The store manager had explained that due to the large number of people waiting it would take far too
much time if she insisted on talking to them all. Denise understood this but in an effort not to appear ignorant she willingly answered questions when she
thought she was able.
Casting a swift glance to the corner of the store, DJ briefly observed Carl. The editor had kept his position out of the lime light but had eagerly watched
the events with an enthusiastic smile. Her brows furrowed together as she noticed an almost evil smirk etch its way onto Carl's features. Wrinkling her
brow further DJ followed Carl's line of sight to where the next group of people were approaching her table. She looked back at Carl to see the editors
smile widen. When he noticed Denise watching him he looked away quickly - the picture of innocence. Okay... what is he up to?
Turning back to a group of women approaching the table Denise delivered a friendly smile. "Hi," she said as four women reached her.
They seemed to smile nervously before the first woman; a tall brunette with large brown eyes placed her copy of her book onto the table. "I adore your
writing," she said, "I wrote a paper in College on your poem 'Untitled too'. I received an A for it."
Denise chuckled as she pulled the book towards her and opened the cover. "That was quite a long one."
"Yes and fascinating& very fantastical. I always wanted to know what you were thinking when you wrote that."
Restraining laughter as she signed her name DJ said, "Probably not a lot& alcohol can do that to you!"
"Ah," the brunette smiled, "Well that explains it." Leaning forward she placed a small slip of paper upon the table.
Denise looked down at the note curiously and just suppressed an exclamation of surprise as the young woman kissed her cheek. As soft lips drew away
from her DJ looked back at the brunette to see her wink before picking up her book and strolling away. She noticed the woman give her friends a 'thumbs
up' and felt a blush tint her cheeks. Looking back at Carl she noticed the man laughing in the corner.
With an indignant glare she mouthed, "You wait."
Carl grinned as he beckoned the poet with wiggling fingers and burst into laughter once again.
Rubbing the side of her nose to hide her embarrassed smile Denise looked back at the waiting line. She ignored the slip of paper that held the brunettes
name and telephone number. Okay& Now I wonder what Randa will say to that.
"Put your lips on Denise again and somebody is going to get slapped!" Randa yelled at the television set.
The nurse was no longer sure that the satellite system she'd had installed earlier that morning was quite the good thing she expected it was going to be.
Instead of being a surprise way of letting Denise keep up with what was happening in England, it had been Randa on the end of the news.
In checking out the British television channels to see which ones would be accessible to the poet, Randa had been interrupted in her channel surfing by
the sudden appearance of the startling blue eyes of Denise herself. The news program that was on apparently had a report on the world of the arts. The
announcer was talking about the successful book signing earlier in the day that the poet D Jennings had done in London. A line of people waiting to meet
Denise was shown then came the infamous shot of a fan kissing Denise on the cheek. The sharp eyes of the nurse did not miss the slip of paper placed
in front of DJ before the kiss occurred.
As the report ended, Randa used the remote to shut the system down. A quick glance at the clock showed the nurse she had just enough time to set up
the other surprise she had for Denise. No rush. What is it that they say? Revenge is a dish best served cold.
The nurse flipped her computer on and when it had booted, she ran the disk for the new hardware. Once the hardware was installed she restarted her
computer, connected to the Internet and waited. She didn't have to wait long.
Within five minutes, a rapping noise let Randa know that Denise was online also. As prearranged, they had both downloaded the same Instant Messenger
program to use while the poet was in Derbyshire. To chat in real time on the computer would save them money as well as allowing Randa to chat while on
the job if she wasn't busy.
The IM box popped up.
Hi love, how was your day? came the message from Denise.
Very enlightening. Randa typed. How was yours? How did the book signing go?
It was very busy. Lots of interesting people out there buying the book. Nothing special though.
Must have been boring for you. Wasn't there anything to break up the monotony?
No, not really. You know me, nothing but work, work, work.
Randa had to laugh. She wasn't really upset at the events at the book signing. She knew that loving someone who looked like Denise Jennings was going
to have its tough moments, but the hell they'd walked through together made her confident of their love. It was adorable that the poet would try and shield
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