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Other links are temporary, and may be changed. You
oppose an attack against that Group (see Hidden Agents,
may move temporary links during the Main Phase of
p. 10). You cannot play your own copy, because the
your turn.
Group it represents is already in play!
Each temporary link may be moved once per turn. If a
If you have a card that duplicates a Group that was
linked card provides a benefit (extra Action token, extra
previously in play, but is now destroyed, you may not
card draw, etc.), it may not be re-linked or given away
play it unless a Plot or special ability returns that Group
after it gives its benefit that turn.
to play.
If you give a Resource to another player, it is linked to
Exception: If some card specifically allows multiple
his Illuminati; he may link it to another Group during the
copies of a particular Group to be in play, you may play
Main Phase of his turn.
that Group normally even if it is already in play or has
Illegal Links
been destroyed. If multiple copies of a Group are in play,
A link is illegal if it violates one of the rules in this
each is treated independently changes to one copy do
book or if it contradicts the text on one of the linked
not affect others.
If you have a duplicate of a Group card that was
If a link to a Plot or Resource becomes temporarily
discarded but was never actually in play, you may play it
illegal, the Plot or Resource is not lost, but it has no
normally. Note that this includes Group cards that were
effect until its link becomes legal again.
discarded after the owner played them from his hand and
If a link to a Plot becomes permanently illegal, the Plot
failed to control them an extra copy of a key Group in
is discarded. Example: If you capture a Group linked to a
your deck can be good insurance against a bad roll.
Monopoly and you already control another Group linked
Duplicate Resource Cards
to a Monopoly, you must immediately discard one of the
If a Resource is Unique, only one can be in play.
two Monopoly cards (the card says that you may have
Whoever plays it first, has it. If that Resource is
only one copy in play).
destroyed, no one else may play another copy unless a
If a link to a Resource becomes permanently illegal,
Plot or special ability returns it to play.
the Resource remains in play. If the link was permanent,
the link becomes inactive but remains in place and will can lead to interesting situations... for instance, when one
become active again if it somehow becomes legal again. player announces an action, and a rival changes an
If the link was not permanent, the owner may re-link the alignment to make that action illegal or take away a
Resource during the Main Phase of his turn. bonus.
Examples: If an action is used to power a Plot or special ability,
and the action is canceled or made illegal, the Plot or
" A Peaceful Group has been linked to the Nobel
special ability fails all action(s) or other costs spent to
Peace Prize, raising its Power to 6. The Gay Activists
power it are lost.
reverse its alignment, making it Violent (and no longer
Peaceful) until the end of the turn. This is a temporary Exception: If several actions are used together to
alignment change; the Nobel Peace Prize remains power a Plot or special ability and one of them is
linked, but has no effect until the Group is Peaceful canceled or made illegal, another action may be
again. immediately substituted to replace the lost action.
" A Straight Group is linked to Grassroots Support, If a Plot or special ability is canceled or made illegal,
increasing its Power to 6. A rival uses Jake Day to make any action(s) or other costs spent to power it are lost.
it permanently Weird (and no longer Straight). The link
If a Plot becomes illegal before its effect is resolved,
to is now permanently illegal, so Grassroots Support is
the Plot card returns to the owner s hand and is exposed.
If an attacking Group s action is canceled or made
" A Group is linked to Straighten Up, making it
illegal, the attack does not happen. Plots used to help the
Straight. A rival uses Jake Day to make it Weird (and
attacking Group are discarded, and the attacking Group s
no longer Straight). These are mutually exclusive, so
Action token is spent. Any Groups that aided or opposed
according to the Meta-Rules (p. 17) the later one (Jake
the attack get their Action tokens back. Plots used to help
Day) takes precedence. However, the link to Straighten
the aiding or opposing Groups return to their owners
Up does not actually violate any rule or card text
hands and are exposed. Agents cards that duplicate the
Straighten Up remains linked, and will reassert itself if
target Group return to their owner s hand.
Jake Day is somehow removed.
If the action of a Group aiding or opposing an attack is
canceled, the attack goes on, even if it is now doomed to
The Cards Remember...
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