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several potential suppliers across Turkey to Europe, if such a sys-
tem is built.
Given the above analyses, the Working Group recommends the
" issuing official U.S. statements guaranteeing Iraqi sovereign-
ty and territorial integrity and the preservation of Iraq s full
national ownership and control over its resources;
74038Textpages 1/23/03 8:02 AM Page 27
" crafting a public diplomacy campaign that explains the need
to secure oil facilities and assures skeptical publics that the Unit-
ed States has no aims to  take over Iraqi oil assets;
" ensuring that the U.S. military has the requisite information
to identify the assets that could, if severely damaged or
destroyed during military hostilities, substantially delay
resumption of the Iraqi oil-export program;
" de-politicizing and preserving the UN oil-for-food distribu-
tion mechanism in order to handle oil-export programs dur-
ing hostilities and immediately thereafter;
" drawing on UNSCR 1284 to help Iraqis rationalize their oil
sector and develop strategies to access foreign oil-company assis-
tance and investment;
" leveling the playing field for awarding energy-sector con-
tracts by supporting a transparent and competitive tendering
" supporting the creation of an international consortium to
work with Iraqi industrialists and create a road map for the
reconstruction and expansion of Iraq s oil sector; and
" establishing a legal framework within the UN, as early as
possible, to handle claims by oil firms holding oil-field
contracts in Iraq to prevent lawsuits from delaying future
Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Leadership Emergency Transitional Internationally and UN- Sovereign Iraqi Government
Type Government with Iraqi Advisers Supervised Iraqi Government
Duration* Up to 2 months following 3 24 months 2 years
cessation of hostilities
Led By Commander U.S./coalition forces Iraqi leadership working closely Fully sovereign Iraqi leadership
with UN secretary-general s
representative and senior U.S.
Key " WMD disarmament " Finalization of arrangements for " Iraq free of WMD
Security " Implementation of cessation of long-term monitoring and " No longer threatening neighbors
Objectives hostilities agreement dismantling of WMD capabilities " Routinization of WMD disarma-
" Establishment/maintenance of " Internationally supervised re- ment monitoring programs
law and order training of Iraqi military " Consolation of Iraqi security
" Defense of Iraq s territorial " Internationally supervised re- arrangements
integrity: protection of borders/ training of Iraqi police force " Integration into international
key energy production centers community
" Deploy coalition forces to key
population centers
* The Working Group advocates pursuing an objectives-driven approach to Iraq. Achieving key objectives is more important than the estimated duration.
Key " Open/protect key lines of com- " Support the establishment of an " An economy based on free-
Economic munication and transportation Iraqi-led international consortium market principles
Objectives " Stanch decreasing oil pro- to address Iraq s oil industry needs " A rehabilitated oil sector
duction, led by Iraqi experts " Support Iraqi efforts to reach
" Clarify existing oil pre-1990 oil production level
production agreements " Identification and prioritization
of reconstruction and rehabilita-
tion projects
" Reschedule foreign debt
" Redesign formula for reparations
Key " Obtain UNSCR outlining broad " Support removal of senior Ba ath " A government based on demo-
Governance post-Saddam broad objectives leaders (led by Iraqis and cratic principles
Objectives " Continue close consultations with international community) " A government representative of
Iraqi leaders inside and outside " Support resumption of Iraq s diverse population
the country government operations " True power- and revenue-sharing
" Identification and detention of " Conduct census " Upholding fundamental individ-
seniormost supporters of regime " Preparations for legal proceedings, ual and group human rights
" Develop criteria for de- with Iraqi and international " An all-Iraqi government
Saddamization participation, for those accused " A more binding Iraqi constitution
of crimes against humanity
(continued next page)
Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Leadership Emergency Transitional Internationally and UN- Sovereign Iraqi Government
Type Government with Iraqi Advisers Supervised Iraqi Government
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