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1 cup Almonds is about 140g
2 cups meat broth
2 medium-small onions
4 Tbsp of Crisco
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp strong spice mixture
When I did a trial recipe I found the dish had a lot of sauce for the amount of chicken in
it. Since I wanted more of a stew consistency than a soup consistency I decided to double
the amount of chicken in the same amount of liquid and then spread that over two tables
To buy for this recipe we need 116 portions times 100g of meat, plus 7 iterations of the
So we need
11.6 Kg of boned chicken
7 cups of almonds do we need in more later on?
7 broth cubes- buy a box
14 onions- perhaps 4 lbs worth
28 Tbsp of Crisco- a little less than a pound- so get a block
7 lemons
7 tsp of strong spices- see if we need these again
When you are making your grocery lists, think about your precook dates. If you don t
have a car, be sure to arrange for a car and driver to take you around to the shops before
each precook. Be sure that you buy enough of the right things at the right time! Rushing
out halfway through a precook usually means you will be paying more for the
convenience of doing so.
Call or (much better) go to shops to get the very best prices you can. Smaller stores can
often be more flexible than major chains if you are buying in bulk. But some major
chains do have a policy to give non-profit/charity groups 10% discount. Ask the
manager, preferably when it is not too busy. Ask for deals on meat if you pre-order it-
often they won t have large quantities ready for sale at a moment s notice. This can work
for Produce and baked goods too. Watch fliers for deals in the lead up to feast prep days
(I have noticed that Cream cheese always goes on sale around Thanksgiving- great for
feast of the Hare!)
When doing your shopping keep your receipts orderly and in one space so they are not
lost. Mark the receipts or keep a separate paper with the recipes that you were cooking
with the groceries on each receipt. Keep a running tally of expenditures as you make
them so that you can keep on top of your budget numbers. If you need to hand in receipts
as you go, take photocopies for your records.
Think about freshness- if you will need butter at the first precook 2 months before the
feast, it makes no sense to buy all the butter for the feast tables at that time. Butter can be
frozen, but unless you found an amazingly good price for butter, why would you? But
things like flour and almonds can be kept for two months with ease if necessary, so you
could easily buy them in bulk.
A note on spices: Once you have determined where each spice will appear and the total
quantity required of each one, you could go to bulk barn (or similar) and buy just what
you need. If you do this you must clearly label your bags- on the bag, not the tag- and
take care not to lose them! Alternately, you could do what I do- I use spices from my
own personal stock, so that I know that they are fresh and in abundance. I will buy one
package of a common spice from the feast funds that will serve to replenish my stock and
pay me back for the use of the various spices. I do not recommend buying large
containers of spices for the use of future feast cooks . Spices do lose their potency over
time, particularly if they are ground, and someone will have to store them for years until
they are gone, and that place will inevitably not be where you need them when cooking.
3) Make your preorders for pick up on Feast day with the butcher, baker, and produce
person. Put them in writing, and try to discuss them with the manager of the department
well in advance of the day. Some shops only want a few days notice, but some want
weeks, so check. See if they need things prepaid (bakers often do) and be sure that is
taken care of if someone else is picking things up for you. Always be Super Nice, they
are doing you a favour!
4) Keep talking to the rest of the event staff to keep them aware of what you are up to,
and find out what they know about the rest of the event. It is handy to know how many
people have pre-registered for feast- if there have been few pre-registrations perhaps you
and the autocrat could advertise the menu some more at meetings and on E-lists etc. Find
out how many royalty are coming, and if you haven t done so yet, find out if they have
any food preferences that you be catered to.
In particular you should be in touch with the lunch cook, who might be sharing your
kitchen for the first part of the day. It is important for both of you to understand what
time and resources are needed for each of your meals, at least for the time that you are
overlapping. If you are making pies on the day and they must go in to the ovens at 12:30,
the lunch cook needs to know that. With any luck they will not have a lunch that needs
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