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use our imagination to find various animals. Today children still do this and this facet of cloud
work is perfect to perform for young children and their parents. You are taking a different premise
here as you are going to give the power to the child.
Once again you are looking for those puffy white clouds against a blue sky. They are perfect
for animal sightings. On any given day you may see clouds that resemble dogs, cats, birds, rabbits
and even ducks. Fish are very common and so are clouds that appear to be butterflies. Just spend an
afternoon looking at clouds on a nice day and you will be amazed at how many clouds resemble an
animal of some type. With this fact in mind you are set to do a special trick that will create
wonderment in any child s eyes.
You will need a set of animal cards. You can often find these in the dollar stores and most
toy stores. These cards can be used just like regular playing cards to force an animal card. I make a
point to carry a set of these cards at any outdoor festival I am working. That way when I spot an
animal cloud, I m ready to show it to a family.
Let s say you ve spotted a cloud that resembles a rabbit. Take out your animal cards, locate
the rabbit card and put it in the position you will need to force it later. You need to spot a family
that has only one child with them. This is important and I will explain why later. Go up and
introduce yourself to the parents. If they don t know who you are, then explain you are doing magic
at the festival and you have a special feat of magic you d like to share with their child. Always get
permission from the parents before doing this. Ask the child if he has ever looked at clouds and
used his imagination to see an animal in them. Most children will tell you they have. Bring out your
animal cards and spread them so the child can see they are all different. Turn them face down and
explain that you want the child to select an animal card, look at it, but to keep it a secret from you.
Use your favorite method to force the animal card that resembles the cloud you ve spotted. In our
example this is the rabbit card. Once the child has the card, ask him to look at it and hold it against
his body so you can t peek at it.
Tell the child to close his eyes and use his imagination to see a cloud that looks like the
animal he selected. Ask him if he can see the animal cloud in his mind. Wait for him to say yes he
can. As soon as the child says he sees the animal cloud in his mind, you look up toward the sky and
say something along these lines. I can t believe it! A strange cloud just now appeared in the sky. It
looks just like a rabbit, you say.
At the point the child will have opened his eyes. You point to the cloud in the sky that looks
like a rabbit so the child and parents can see it. You say, It just appeared in the sky out of
nowhere. What animal did you think of? The child will show you the card with the rabbit. Look at
the child and say, Wow, did you do that with your imagination? Usually at this point the child
will see the cloud, laugh and say he put it there. Give the child full credit for doing it. The parents
will be very amazed and the child will think he has great powers of imagination.
As you part from them, tell the child to point out the cloud he made appear to other people. I
know from experience he will tell everyone he sees as long as the cloud exists. Other people will
ask the parents what the child is talking about. They will explain that the festival magician came up
and asked their child to think of an animal and not tell him. A few moments later that rabbit cloud
just appeared in the sky from nowhere. This is the story that will spread through the festival or park
you are working.
That is why it is very important for you to say to the family, that the cloud just appeared in
the sky out of nowhere. You must act amazed at this. There is some clever psychology behind this
statement. You are not taking credit for making a cloud appear. You are saying a rabbit cloud
magically appeared in the sky and are giving credit to the child for it. The fact that cloud looks like
a rabbit will leave the child in wonderment, and the parents puzzled as to how it happened. They
are not going to burst the child s bubble. In fact in most cases they will play along in a big way.
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