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about, I felt that you and she had been discussing Shane."
"We had." Clair turned to take the underslip which her cousin was
"You're both in love with him." "
"Jean never had a chance; she knew that."
"It doesn't make the pain any less."
"She ought not to have allowed herself to fall for him." Sharon's voice
held the merest hint of disgust.
"It isn't always as simple as that, Sharon. You can't help yourself.
Perhaps you would understand a little better if I asked you to imagine
that Bill hadn't returned your love."
Sharon nodded her head.
"I know what you mean. However, I'd never have been as catty as
Jean. She deliberately let Christal stay with Shane. There was room
here, and as you said at the time, Shane was willing to lend us a bed."
"Well, it's all in the past now, Sharon." Clair folded the underslip and,
going over to the wardrobe, brought out a smart suit of dark blue
linen. "It's your wedding day, so you shouldn't be troubling your head
about Jean and me."
"I'm so happy that I want everyone around me to be happy, that's all."
Stepping into the skirt, Sharon pulled it up and fastened the zip.
"We'll be happy one day."
"I know you will."
Clair watched as the short, perfectly-cut coat was put on.
"You look very smart," she said, handing her a handkerchief. "Do you
want the perfume spray ?"
"Of course. I'm of the opinion that this particular perfume did a lot for
me in the beginning.. Bill admits that it goes to his head." She was
laughing with her eyes. Clair smiled, recalling how shy Bill had been
at first.
"Have a lovely time," Clair was saying a quarter of an hour later when
the couple were in the car, ready to drive away. Tin cans "Of every
description and size had been tied to the back of the car, and across
the back window the inevitable, "Just married". A huge L-plate had
been fixed to the back bumper and all over the car was confetti,
sticking because of the oil that had been smeared on the entire body.
Among those who were seeing the couple off were Shane and
Christal. The girl never left his side these days, thought Clair,
recalling having seen the couple twice in town, and on both occasions
Christal had been walking as close as possible to Shane.
"I'd hate a send-off like that," purred Christal. "It's vulgar, in my
"It's a jolly good send-off," declared Sandy. "If nobody troubles to
decorate your car then you're obviously not a very popular person."
"That's one way of looking at it," someone said. "'Bye! Have a good
"Where are they going ?" Christal wanted to know.
Her hand was resting on the sleeve of Shane's coat. Clair looked at it -
and at the same time Shane looked at her. She blushed, aware that he
knew she had been looking at the girl's hand.
"They're touring."
"How dull! I'd have to be going somewhere exciting, like the
Bahamas or Miami."
"Bill and Sharon want quietness, and solitude."
Shane glanced at Clair again. She recalled him saying that his
ancestors had come to this eastern plateau in order to find solitude
and peace.
"You'd think they'd want to go somewhere other than their own
country. Why, they can tour around here any time!" ChristaPs voice
grated on Clair's ears and she moved away. Shane's eyes followed her
and she hoped he knew why she had moved. How he could stand that
voice all the time was beyond Clair's comprehension.
"I've told her what I think about her!" Jean spoke in Clair's ear as the
car moved away in a cloud of dust. "She's under no illusions
regarding my opinion of her."
"How did she react?" inquired Clair interestedly.
"She laughed in my face and said it was my own fault, which it was."
Jean paused for a moment. "Will you ever forgive me, Clair?"
Clair turned and said impulsively,
"I've forgiven you already, Jean. Think no more about it. I don't think
Shane was really for me anyway." This was a lie, but said with the
best intentions. Clair considered that Jean had suffered enough.
"We'll still be friends ?"
"If you want that," returned Jean, and for the first time ever Clair
detected a hint of humility in her tone. "I have some news which I
think you'll like."
"You have?"
"Sandy's asked me to marry him. So determined, he was, saying he
wouldn't take no for an answer. He knows I don't love him yet, but
he's willing to take a chance."
"You've agreed to marry him ?"
"Oh, but this is great news! I'm very, very happy for you, Jean. And I
liked the word 'yet' which you inserted."
"It spells hope. Yes, I believe that eventually I shall learn to love him.
We're settling in England, so you and I shall see something of one
"You're buying a farm ?"
"Yes, in the Cotswolds, we hope."
"When will you be moving to England?" asked Clair.
"Quite soon. Bill's already promised to see about buying Sandy out.
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